9.6.9. Further modification of quantifiers
Numerals can be modified by approximatives, modifiers indicating exact values, modifiers indicating an upper or lower bound, and comparative modifiers.
Körülbelül/pontosan/legfeljebb/több, | mint | száz | diák | jött. |
about/exactly/at.most/more | than | hundred | student | come.PST.3G |
’About/Exactly/At most/More than one hundred students came.’
Source: Dékány & Csirmaz 2018: 1067-1069
Universal quantifiers can be modified by approximatives with different degrees of acceptibility.
Majdnem/szinte/közel/*körülbelül | minden | bombát | megtaláltak. |
almost/almost/nearly/about | every | bomb.ACC | PRT.find.PST.3PL |
’They have found almost/almost/nearly/about every bomb.’
Source: Dékány & Csirmaz 2018: 1135.
Degree-quantifiers, such as //sok// 'many, much' and //kevés// 'few' cannot co-occur with approximatives, but they can be modified by intensifiers. (Other degree-quantifiers, unversal and existential quantifiers cannot be modified in this way.)
elég/nagyon | sok/kevés |
enough/very | many/few |
’quite a lot, very much / fairly few, very little’
Source: Dékány & Csirmaz 2018: 1121 and 1138.
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