9.6.4. Possible combinations of more quantifiers
The universal quantifier //minden// 'every' can co-occur with numerals.
Minden | száz | forint | után | öt | bónuszpont-ot | adunk. |
every | hundred | forint | after | five | bonuspoint-ACC | give.1PL |
’We give five bouns points after every hundred forints.’
Source: Dékány 2021: 72-73
Free-choice item quantifiers can co-occur with numerals
Bármely(ik) | három | tányér | megfelel. |
any | three | plate | suit.3SG |
’Three of any plates will do.’
Source: Example provided by database editor (native speaker).
Many quantifiers, e. g. degree-quantifiers (and universals except for //minden// 'every') cannot combine with a numeral.
*Feri | sok/kevés | három | könyvet | becsomagolt. |
Feri | many/few | three | book.ACC | in.wrap.PST.3SG |
’Feri wrapped many/few three books.’
Source: Dékány & Csirmaz 2018: 1063.
The universal quantifier mind 'every, all' is obligatorily followed by the definite article and a cardinal numeral.
mind | *(a) | *(tíz) | tojás |
every | the | ten | egg |
’all ten eggs’
Source: Dékány & Csirmaz 2018: 1084.
Ordinal and cardinal numerals normally are in complementary distribution. However, they can make up a complex modifier, which picks out a certain amount of candidates in an ordered set.
az | első | öt | randevú |
the | first | five | date |
’the first five dates’
Source: Dékány & Csirmaz 2018: 1089.
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