8.2.2.  Bare noun (N) modifiers producing NN constructions

Expressions referring to the prupose of an object typically appear as bare noun modifiers, often formin a compound with the noun they modify.
a lovaglócsizma
the riding.boot
’the riding boots’
Source: Alberti & Farkas 2018: 789.
Expressions referring to material typically appear as bare noun modifiers. In some case even formin a compound with the noun they modify.
egy elefántcsont doboz
a ivory boksz
’a box made of ivory’
Source: Dékány 2021: 182.
Possessors of relational nouns can appear as pre-nominal bare noun modifiers. The two nouns form a compound-like unit, as the second member is never stressed.
egy milliomos unoka
a millionaire grandchild
’a grandchild of a millionaire’
Source: Farkas & Alberti 2018a: 102.
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